We conduct research, graduate education, and outreach, primarily in forested ecosystems. Work done in our laboratory seeks to understand the basis of sustainable forest landscapes. Projects includes forest ecosystem field studies, forest landscape modeling of land use and climate change effects, GIS and remote sensing applications, analysis of the effects of forest management practices and natural disturbances on ecosystems, the influence of landscape-scale factors on wildlife populations, and effects of land use and historical factors on current landscape patterns and ecosystem processes.
For more specific information about our work, please visit our projects and people web pages. Lab publications, most available to download in PDF format, can be found on our publications page.
The Wisconsin Landscape Before
Euro-American Settlement
See Wisconsin Through the Eyes of 19th Century Surveyors
From microfilms of original survey notebooks, University of Wisconsin researchers have extracted ecological information and compiled a computerized, statewide tabular database of Wisconsin's 19th century vegetation.
Wisconsin's Landcover in the 1800s
What survey notes tell us about the landscape before logging, farming and development.
John T. Curtis – Fifty Years of Wisconsin Plant Ecology
John Thomas Curtis, professor of botany at the University of Wisconsin, had an extraordinary career as a plant physiologist, orchid specialist, wild flower management authority, arboretum director, natural area preservationist, and plant ecologist, all in a period of twenty-five years. In this short span…
Spatial Modeling of Forest Landscape Change – Approaches and Applications
In this unique volume, key researchers present newly emerging approaches to computer simulation models of large, forest landscapes. Over the past decade the field of landscape ecology has developed rapidly, focusing on the need to address ecological research and management at large spatial scales, and longer temporal
Climate Change and Wisconsin Forest Ecosystems
Special | 53m 7s
Sara Hotchkiss, Assistant Professor, Department of Botany, UW-Madison David Mladenoff, Professor, Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology, UW-Madison Continuing the lecture series on climate changes, Sara Hotchkiss and David Mladenoff talk about how these changes are effecting the forest ecosystems of northern Wisconsin.
The State of Wisconsin's Forests
Special | 51m 19s
David Mladenoff, Professor, Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology, UW-Madison, shares the history of Wisconsin forests and discusses the role natural and historic disturbances have played. Mladenoff discusses challenges that must be faced to ensure the sustainability of our forests into the future.
The New Old Forest – The Flambeau Project
Caroline Schneider
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